Sunday, October 16, 2011

Make Money from Money

Mr. Ooi Kok Hwa (MRR Consultancy) from SIDC

berlangsung pd 11 Oct 2011, di Auditorium UiTM KBM, ceramah berjasama FINEST-SIDC mengenai "Cash@Campus"
Sangat menarik sebab its about 'Investment'! hahaha
and memandangkan thun 2011 ni merupakan 'my unlucky year' or if applied on business cycle 2011 was my recession stage! ~_~
from this talk...dalam usia kite skrang ni, its actually sgt penting utk kite plan our money for the future benefit...
-more younger you start it the better result will wait for u-
and the most important thing is never give up because,

"losing money is part of the Process"

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